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Alert Diver

Alert Diver is the dive industry’s leading publication. Featuring DAN’s core content of dive safety, research, education and medical information, each issue is a must-read reference, archived and shared by passionate scuba enthusiasts. In addition, Alert Diver showcases fascinating dive destinations and marine environmental topics through images from the world’s greatest underwater photographers and stories from the most experienced and eloquent dive journalists in the business.

June 2024 Features

Page 56 - Understanding M-Values
EDUCATION | Text by Dennis Guichard

Page 63 - Bending Bühlmann
EDUCATION | Text by Dennis Guichard

Page 41 - Tips for Underwater Photographers
GEAR | Text by Adam Sokolski

Page 114 - HOLDFAST: Great African Seaforest
SPECIAL INTEREST | Interviewed by Nicolene Olckers

Page 93 - Boat Ladder Safety
RISK MITIGATION | Text by Guy Thomas

On the Cover - Photo donated to DAN by Raoul Coscia: Porcelain Crab (Porcellanella triloba?) on carnation soft coral (Dendronephthya sp) | Dive Site: The Galaxy, Raja Ampat Central

On this night dive I was hoping to spot a Pygmy seahorse among the soft corals, and instead I caught the glint in the eye of this tiny crustacean reflecting my focus light. It was probably a juvenile and quite transparent and I love how it blends in with the orange soft coral. They are quite camera-shy and I only managed to snap a few frames – this was the only one in focus - before it scooted away to hide behind the polyps. These strange creatures are not true crabs, but closer relatives of Squat lobsters.  

Equipment: Nikon D810 + Nikkor 60mm lens in Isotta Housing | Settings: 1/200 sec f/14 ISO 100 | Lighting: 2x Inon Z-330 with diffusers

Dive Emergency Hotline

+27 828 10 60 10

DAN's Emergency Hotline staff members are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to provide information, assist with care coordination and evacuation assistance.